About Eternity Ever After


About Scott Herdener and Eternity Ever AfterHow did I come up with the name? I’m glad you asked.

In Portland, Oregon, near where I live, there is a radio station called The Fish. One day, when I was driving and listening to a song on The Fish, I misheard some lyrics. I liked what I thought I heard, but didn’t really know for sure.

What the lyrics were or weren’t doesn’t really matter. The point is that it got me to thinking. And thinking.

Thoughts were kind of swirling around, so I’m not sure how I got to it, exactly. But I suddenly found myself saying “Eternity Ever After.” I pondered that for a while and liked the sound of it.

It was like “happily ever after,” but better. “Happily ever after” is how fairy tales end, and the story of Christ ain’t no fairy tale. Plus, HIS story is ongoing; it never ends.

I began to envision it on a shirt, bumper sticker, ball cap, etc.  When I shared the idea with my wife, she agreed that it would be fun to pursue.

Rather than waiting and wondering, we registered the business name and entity with the State and opened a bank account. Then we began talking to our friends Faith and Rob, who run a screen printing, embroidery and logo business.

With Faith and Rob’s help we got a design put together, picked out a quality shirt, and printed our first run. So far we are having fun. We don’t know where this is going, but we really don’t need to at this point.

As far as we are concerned, this is God’s project and we’re just excited to get to be a part of it.

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